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3ROPE Foundation... threefold cord... potrójny sznur



The number three is quite specific. It symbolizes everything that is fully complete and comprehensive; using three lines we are able to build a basic geometrical figure. Everything that happens in the world belongs to three areas: past, present or future. Man in turn is made up of his thoughts, words and deeds.

In the Bible, three gains additional meaning - it represents God's fullness and perfection. God himself appears in three persons; we learn that man consists of three elements: spirit, soul and body.
This model leads us to the goal created by the founders of the 3ROPE Foundation. It is to meet the basic needs of the spirit, the soul and the human body. We want to put the “three-rope rule” into practice.

Each of us asks the question how to wisely live his life. Our desire is to give God's answer to this question to as many people as possible.
"And to man He said, 'Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, And to depart from evil is understanding.'
Job 28:28

How you can help?


As every other Christian ministry, 3ROPE is supported by people in whom God has placed a heart for service. Each of us has something that he can share with others.

  • Prayer - Jesus said "Ask and you will receive". We often aim high and forget that God has given us the opportunity to lead others through prayer. If you identify with our ministry, we ask for your prayer.


  • Finances - 3 ROPE is a non-profit organization . We operate thanks to the financial support of the people whom God uses to support our ministry financially . All donations are used for the implementation of the statutory objectives of the foundation. If you want to support us as well, please read the information in section "How to donate".


  • Commitment - In different seasons of life, people reflect on the next step in their lives. God often gives us a lot of time to think about this step in order to then unexpectedly put before us a possibility to serve—a possibility which we may have never thought of before. If you feel that you have reached such a stage, maybe it would be a good idea to send an email to 3ROPE—we would love to hear from you.

How to donate

If you would like to support us financially, the easiest way to do so is via a wire transfer. Use one of the below mentioned bank accounts and in the transfer title mention "Darowizna na cele statutowe". More in Polish...


Fundacja 3ROPE

ul. Rogatka 18b
31-425 Kraków



NIP 6762400586

REGON 120937797

Bank accouns:

Bank Millennium S.A.

ul. Stanisława Żaryna 2a

02-593 Warszawa


  • PLN 91 1160 2202 0000 0001 4350 2033

  • USD 15 1160 2202 0000 0001 4350 3595

  • EUR 87 1160 2202 0000 0001 4350 2493

3ROPE kontakt

BETHEL Baptist Church

Filipa st. 6, Krakow, PL

© 2020 BETHEL


Sunday 10:00am

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