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Our pastor

Robert Sulik

Robert comes from Lwówek Śląski – a small village in southern Poland. At 16 years of age, he gave his life to Jesus.  Over time, it became his desire to be an equipped and effective servant for the Lord.​

God opened up opportunities for Robert to study at a Christian university in the United States.  It was there he met his wife, Janelle, who had a few years earlier dedicated herself to serving the Lord on the mission field.

After graduation, Robert and Janelle were married and began working at a Baptist church in Charleston, South Carolina where Robert served for a year as one of the pastors. During this time, they were preparing to move to Krakow, which took place in the autumn of 2000.

BETEL Church was founded in the summer of 2001; and since that time, God continues to bless this ministry in a wonderful way.

Robert and Janelle have three children: Sebastian (1999), Olivia (2001) i Emilia (2005).

BETHEL Baptist Church

Filipa st. 6, Krakow, PL

© 2020 BETHEL


Sunday 10:00am

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